Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tired day

Today, Alicia and I were able to have some time to ourselves and went to the Salt Lake Temple this morning. It was so nice to have the piece and quiet that have been absent the past few days. Before we went to the temple, we stopped by to see how Michael was doing and we noticed that they took out his oxygen tube from his nose and finally removed his cathoder. It is always nice to see see tubes disappear rather than appear. Grandma and Sly came by to visit and they brought Connor and Rosie. They saw that the hospital room had a game cube in it so they had a great time playing Lego Star Wars.

My father is flying in today from Mexico. I broke the news to him yesterday and I am not sure how well he is taking the news. He insisted that he come right away and I don't know if I am fully ready for him being here. His presence brings along stress that he will never understand. I still haven't talked to my mother and having my father here will just complicate things. My stress level has begin to rise as I am becoming overwhelmed with family members visiting. I have had a headache all day and I don't know if it will get any better.

In speaking with the doctor today, they are planning a CT Scan in the morning to check on Michael's progress since Saturday's surgery. He still does have a feeding tube inside and his EVD tube his brain. The EVD tube is designed to drain the excess brain fluid caused from he the tumor. If all goes well, Michael should have the EVD tube removed within the next few days. So now we are waiting for the pathology results to come back to see what exactly kind of tumor he has. Once we find that out we will know what kind of Chemotherapy he will need and whether or not they will want to try and start his sessions before he is discharged from the hospital. I still have a big headache and time to drink a Pepsi to calm it down!

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